Call for Abstracts - Conference Language Learning Resource Centre, Leiden University, June 5th, 2020
The Language Learning Resource Centre (Leiden University) is organizing a one-day conference (June 5th, 2020) on the interplay between second language learning practice, theory, and research.
The object of the conference is to share current findings and best practices on the topic of language learning and language teaching in conjunction with theories and research related to second language acquisition. We are proud to announce that the keynote speaker will be Prof Jan Hulstijn (University of Amsterdam), whose main research interests include second language learning theories and language proficiency.

Call for Abstracts
The call for abstracts is now open. Please send in your abstract on:
- advances in research on second language learning
- methodology for the language classroom, grounded in theory/research
- lessons from practice for research and theory
- linguistic findings and language teaching
- or on other topics that relate to the conference theme.
There will be room for research/good practice presentations (20 minutes with 10 minutes discussion) and for a practical workshop (75 minutes). Please submit your abstract through the qr-code or the online form, before March 1st, 2020.
We will let you know of the outcome of the vetting of the abstracts by April 1st.