LLRC Conference 2023: Call for abstracts
The deadline for the call for abstracts for the 2023 LLRC conference: curriculum and course design for language teaching is 27 March 2023
In higher education, curricula and courses are often not cast in stone. They need adaptations regularly, for instance because another course in the curriculum changes. In secondary education, changes are less common. However, in the Netherlands, a curriculum reform is planned to be implemented in the next years, also concerning foreign languages. A question that arises in this context is how reforms are best effectuated, and how course in existing curricula can be changed?
On June 23rd, 2023, LLRC will organize a one-day conference on precisely this topic. We are very happy to announce that Dr. Marjon Tammenga-Helmantel (SLO) has agreed to give the keynote lecture. She is a specialist in foreign language teaching and currently involved in facilitating the process of curriculum reform in secondary education. Her keynote will start the day with a brief overview about curriculum development at national, school and classroom levels. Concrete tools to facilitate curriculum changes or adaptations in foreign language education will be discussed.
We invite foreign language teachers and researchers to send in an abstract for the conference. The following topics would fit the theme:
- Research on language teaching course design
- Research on curriculum design including foreign language teaching
- Research on changes in language teaching
- Good practice in language teaching course design
- Good practice in curriculum design including foreign language teaching
- Good practice in changes in language teaching
We welcome abstracts for a variety of presentation types: research presentations, good practice presentations, or workshops. Please click here to submit your abstract. Deadline for abstract submission: March 27th, 2023.