Working towards a better world together16 February 2017
Global problems such as diseases of affluence or microplastics in the sea are too complex to be dealt with from a single scientific discipline or by j...
Experience Day in Wijnhaven13 February 2017
Experience for yourself what studying is like, or explore the city where you will be attending lectures. On Saturday 11 February, future students came...
Predictive policing wins group presentation in CSM elective Governance of crime and social disorder02 December 2016
If you know a crime is about to occur, should you be able to prevent it before it has even happened? This was one of the questions that was posed in l...
Public Administration students ‘brutally honest’ about the reorganization of the Tax Authorities24 November 2016
Recently three Public Administration students of Leiden University gave a sturdy advice to the Tax Authorities about the effects of the reorganization...
New approach for more diversity in government07 November 2016
The government could do more to improve its diversity, says Saniye Çelik. By hiring people from a variety of backgrounds, the government will be bette...
How four-dimensional networking improves achievement in schools07 November 2016
The organisational network in and around a primary school influences the school’s achievement, according to Petra van den Bekerom. Effective networkin...
Masterstudent Public Administration wins Ben Pauw Thesis prize25 October 2016
The Ben Pauw thesis prize for the best Master’s thesis in the area of Public Affairs was won by student Esther Mangelsdorf of the Institute of Public ...
The legitimacy of political power15 September 2016
A fair distribution of goods and services is the most important factor in justifying political power. This is the conclusion of Honorata Mazepus in h...
Special annex dedicate to Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in 'Den Haag Centraal'12 September 2016
On Thursday 8 September, the Hague newspaper 'Den Haag Centraal' issued a special annex dedicated to the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.
New journal: Perspectives on Public Management and Governance02 September 2016
Perspectives on Public Management & Governance (PPMG) is dedicated to theory development and conceptual work challenging and advancing the field of pu...
Keywords26 August 2016
A list with keywords and all the information you need in your first year. Click on the links and read more about the subjects you want to learn more ...
‘Politicians need to get a better grip of international civil servants’18 August 2016
Out of sight of national parliaments, the European Union takes decisions that have a far-reaching effect on the lives of citizens. Professor of Intern...
Veni grant for Joris van der Voet15 July 2016
Dr Joris van der Voet has been awarded a Veni grant of € 250,000 for his research into the working of savings strategies on innovation with municipali...
Veni grants for 19 young Leiden researchers15 July 2016
Nineteen researchers who have recently been awarded their PhD are to receive a Veni grant of up to 250,000 euros. Science funding agency NWO has awar...
What's Next: the Graduated Class of 201611 July 2016
After three (or four) years of hard study, there are every year a lot of Bachelor students that say goodbye to go and explore the wide world. Where ...