Universiteit Leiden

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A list with keywords and all the information you need in your first year. Click on the links and read more about the subjects you want to learn more about.

Academic Calendar FGGA:
Each academic year consists of two semesters and each of those semesters is divided into two blocks. In general, you take three subjects for which you have seven weeks of education and one week of exams. The results of these exams for the first semester will be posted in January and the results of the second semester will be posted in June.


Assessor of the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs

B.I.L. Studyassociation


Executive Board

Binding Study Advise (BSA), Course and Examination Regulations (OER)

ICT facilities

(additional) information
Websites: Homepage, Studentportal, Weblog, U-mailbox, E-studiegids
Questions: Education Services Centre (OSC), Study advisors


LU-card activating


Psychological counselling

You can contact the studyadvisor if personal or other circumstances hinder the progress of  your study. Furthermore, you can turn to them for advice and information on issues such as the content and structure of the study, study and examination regulations, study- planning and approach and the choice of electives.

Study Abroad

In the studyguide of Public Administration you can find the books you will need for every course. Books can be bought at the following bookstores in The Hague:

Studying with a disability

Subscribe for courses and grade registration: uSis
More information about Usis


It is important to read the U-mailbox regularly, the University only uses the U-mail address to inform its students. (It is also possible to automatically forward all messages to your private email address). You automatically get a letter with your U-account information and U-mail address sent to your home address.

The new academic building in the Hague since 2017.

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