Plastic Spotter: spot plastic in the canals of Leiden27 November 2019
Help us spot and clean up the plastic in the canals of Leiden! Leiden University is calling on the good folk of Leiden to help our researchers study t...
The promises and the dark side of stem cells21 November 2019
Geneticist Hans Clevers will give the first Niko Tinbergen lecture new style on 10 December, which is all about stem cells. The young Leiden professor...
Master's students Data Science present solutions to central government and the House of Representatives20 November 2019
On 1 November 2019, international Master's students Data Science from Leiden University presented the elaboration of their data concepts to senior off...
How mammoth poop contributes to antibiotics research18 November 2019
PhD student Doris van Bergeijk brought 40,000-year-old bacteria from mammoth poop back to life. She hopes to find new information that can help resear...
Leiden iGEM students win prize with squid protein12 November 2019
The Leiden students who participated in the iGEM synthetic biology competition have won the prize for best production. They developed a way to have ba...
Transition to electric vehicles puts heavy pressure on production of critical metals11 November 2019
The current production of a number of critical metals is insufficient for the large-scale transition to electric vehicles. This is the conclusion of a...
How an Alzheimer related protein forms plaques08 November 2019
Neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, are characterised by aggregates of protein in the brain. The connection of these aggregates to the...
Annual LION physics image award31 October 2019
Finally, it's high time for the yearly LION Image award. Send us your most impressive, beautiful or insightful physics image, and win eternal fame on ...
Science & Cinema: Leiden researchers at the Leiden International Film Festival29 October 2019
A film and quiz at the Old Observatory, a film whose ending you decide or a political satire in The Hague. These are some of the options at Science & ...
Plastic nanoparticles make larval zebrafish hyperactive24 October 2019
Nanoplastics influence the behaviour of larval zebrafish, says new research by the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) and the Institute of Environmenta...
Lorentz: celebrated physicist, born mediator21 October 2019
Emeritus professors Dirk van Delft and Frits Berends both channelled their inner Sherlock Holmes as they delved into the life and work of the great ph...
Climathon: hackathon for a climate proof Leiden21 October 2019
How do we promote sustainable alternatives in lower-income households, make construction sites energy neutral, and, make cities greener in a sustainab...
First pile of the new SRON building: 'A new impetus for space travel and astronomy'18 October 2019
‘We intend to use the arrival of SRON in South Holland to give a serious impetus to research and activities related to space travel and astronomy in t...
The healing power of light15 October 2019
Light makes us flourish – in this respect we humans are just like a rose or an azalea. Light can also be used to treat people who are ill. In Leiden, ...
Alphabet of 140 puzzle pieces programs origami14 October 2019
How can a single origami crease pattern be folded into two precisely defined target shapes? Researchers at AMOLF and Leiden University have created an...