New research seminar series Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) is pleased to introduce a new research seminar series. The FGGA Research Seminar will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of current, high-quality research on topics covered by the faculty.
The aim of the seminar is to stimulate academic discussion and collaboration at the faculty and between the faculty and leading academics and academic institutions in the field. The seminar will feature both external speakers and researchers from our own faculty. Research topics that will be covered include governance at the global, European, national and sub-national levels; public management, public policy and political economy; crisis, conflict and security; and development, sustainability and public health.
The Research Seminar is organized under the auspices of Graduate School of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. Seminars will be convened every 2-3 weeks (see the upcoming research seminar series menu on the right) during the academic year. In the seminars, speakers will present a current research paper or article, followed by general discussion. The paper will be circulated beforehand.
For more information about the seminar series, please contact Johan Christensen, Joris van der Voet or David Ehrhardt.
No affiliation with Leiden University or registration is required to attend. We hope to see you all in the seminars!

The first research seminar will take place on Friday April 15 from 15.30 to 17.00 in Stichthage (13th floor, Bezuidenhout room). Sarah Giest of the Institute of Public Administration (FGGA, Leiden University) will present a paper entitled “Big Data Analytics for mitigating carbon emissions in smart cities: Opportunities and challenges”. The seminar will be followed by refreshments.