Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden University Centre for International Relations


LUCIR aims to bundle together, strengthen and disseminate existing research in the field of international relations.

Research programmes of participating faculties

Governance and Global Affairs

Staff members of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs conduct research in fields such as global politics, public administration, security, and urban issues.

Research Institute of Public Administration

Research Institute of Security and Global Affairs


Academics at the Faculty of Humanities investigate human culture in the broadest sense of the word, both of today and the distant past. They are essential for an in-depth understanding of the history, literature, music and other performing arts of both Western and non-Western societies.

Research Institute for History

Research Institute for Area Studies

LUCIR Research Programme: International Law and Organisation

Researchers at Leiden Law School investigate several international themes, such as the interaction between legal systems and the legitimacy and effectiveness of multilevel law and governance.

Research Leiden Law School

Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences houses two institutes where research is conducted on international relations.

Research Institute of Political Science

Research Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology

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