Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Learning & Innovation Centre


Below, you will find the provisional programme for the Immersive Tech Day 2025. You are also able to view a PDF of the programme on the right. Be aware that changes may still be made so please do check the programme as it appears on this page throughout the day itself.

09:00 Arrival of guests
09:35 Welcome - Ludo Juurlink (LLInC)
09:45 Warm up Session- Cameron Hope
09:55 Keynote speaker - Gül Akcaova (SURF)
10:25 Grassfields - Uli Botzojorns 
10:40 LLInC Studio - Adel QaddoumiNathan Saucier, Mitchell de Jong, & Max Montfrooij
10:55 Coffee break
11:25 Npuls - John Walker
11:40 Una Europa - Maggy OvaaDario Fazzi, & Eline Remmerswaal
11:55 Media & Learning Association - Dovile Dudenaite
12:10 Luris - Jessica Meijer & Aimée de Heij
12:25 SSH Labs - Maureen Meekel & Maarten Struijk Wilbrink 
12:40 Overview of afternoon sessions
12:50 Lunch break
13:45 Afternoon block 1 - see available activities
14:40 Afternoon block 2 - see available activities
15:30 Coffee break - demos throughout
16:00 Afternoon block 3 - see available activities
16:50 Wrap up & borrel
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