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Meta-curricular programmes

The LMW meta-curricular programmes focus on sustainable personal development and guidance.

Learning My Way (LMW) offers a systematic, personalized, evidence-led approach that focusses on long term personal development and guidance, rather than isolated interventions. To enable long-term retention, LMW provides each participant with an online, GDPR safe, personal portfolio system that contains self-reflection tools and assessments, as well as audiovisual, and written support. This ‘long-term record’ also serves as invaluable external memory and reminder to one’s development.

The meta-curriculum is always timed to relevant phases in the regular programme. Timing of LMW modules is tailored to the tasks students face in their regular programme. Portfolio based preparation and reflection always precedes face-to-face interventions.

Meta curriculums include seminars, workshops, and micro-coaching. Main areas of training and coaching currently are:

  • Personal & professional purpose development mission and vision development, meta cognitive skill development (e.g., future self-projection, autonomous learning skills, commitment training) applicable in mentoring, tutoring, interpersonal professional training, research skill programmes, and educational and professional contexts
  • Talent & resilience development tracing, naming, and training one’s unique talent and its contribution to personal and professional environments. And, on the reverse: to identify, name and tame one’s favorite tendencies and patterns that obstruct this contribution.
  • Transferable skills development & measurement Online and blended learning tools to assess, develop, monitor, and sustain motivational, cognitive, and behavioral skills development supported by 360o feedback and buddy support.
  • Train-the-teacher curriculum helping teachers and tutors to work largely autonomously with LMW tools within their own organization.

In short, the LMW meta-curriculum helps individuals identify, develop, and monitor their personal and professional mission, in parallel to regular educational trajectories, and later, at crucial points in their professional career. Participants are guided to make well founded personal career choices, (re)engage with their own motivation, and align learning goals and competence development accordingly. LMW in academic settings also enthuses and enables students to explore and elaborate their role as scientific researchers or scientist-practitioners and motivate them to incorporate this quality in their professional identity.

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