About the portfolio
Participants of a Learning My Way programme can reach the portfolio via learningmyway.nl through secure single-sign on. Your portfolio stays accessible even after finishing your studies.
Purpose of the online portfolio
Your Online Learning My Way system has multiple functions:
- Preparation and consolidation Preceding and during your LMW trajectory, you receive invitations to do preparatory work for your LMW seminars and workshops, and requests afterward to upload the harvest of these seminars.
- Knowledge base It provides knowledge video-clips, a modular handbook and links to study materials that support the LMW courses and seminars.
- Online memory It safely stores progress in your development over time. Your data are treated confidentially at all times. Access is restricted to the LMW coaching staff that works with you personally. This means that teaching staff of your studies do not have access to your data, though you can always choose to share parts (e.g. by printing out the provided pdf files).
- Progress monitor Your LMW Online system contains tools and insight graphs to help reflect on your developmental path. This way, you effortlessly build a timeline of the development of your own motives, talent and competences.
LMW 2.0 online system
The online LMW 2.0 system is web based and multi access (Smartphone/PC/Apple etc.), European GDPR proof, secure single-sign on (SSO) and multi-language (currently Dutch and English.) The system is non-commercial software (university owned).

How does it work?
You can access your LMW online portfolio and work with it conveniently from your PC, smartphone or other browser connected device. You simply login through SURFconext: the shared ICT login service of Dutch higher education institutions. Just go to learningmyway.nl to log in with the credentials of your institutional account, or eduID.