Read here the stories of our students who went to a country in Africa for their internship.

Throwback internship smile
Otis Illert is currently doing an internship for non-profit GIVEWATTS in Nairobi. "GIVEWATTS is a social enterprise that distributes solar lamps to schoolchildren and their families in rural areas ," says Otis.
Normally kerosene lamps provide light in these areas; kerosene is a dirty and expensive fuel (claiming from 10% - 40% of family income in Sub Saharan Africa) that can cause irreparable damage to the lungs. "But with solar energy families can save their money and health, and children get extra time to study in the evening!"
Internship smiles #13
Sofie Olsson is interning at Femina Hip in Dar es Salaam.
She is visiting conferences and writing articles on gender based violence for the new issue of a magazine for secondary school children. Her research paper is about change in the negative discourses regarding menstruation in Tanzania.
This internship has clarified her ideas about pursuing a master in international journalism and another internship on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Internship smiles #16
Alba Medina-Bermejo did her internship at Arusha Women Legal Aid and Human Rights Organization in Tanzania. She translated legal papers, revised and wrote reports and updated the website in both English and Swahili.
Besides office work she was able to attend court sessions that varied from land tenure disputes to criminal matters (sometimes lasting up to 5 hours without break!). She also visited the African Court on Human and People’s Rights, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the High Court of Tanzania.
This internship has increased her proficiency in Swahili and clarified her pursuit of a master in either Comparative Politics or Political Philosophy.