Institute for Philosophy
The PhD programme of the Institute for Philosophy is embedded in the Graduate School of Humanities. The Institute for Philosophy is an active research unit with a strong international reputation. It provides a stimulating environment for post-graduate research in the field of philosophy.
PhD Degree
The PhD Degree is the highest degree awarded in the Netherlands. PhD candidates carry out a programme of independent research and additional course work, culminating in production of a PhD thesis within four years.
Philosophy PhD Programme
All five of the Reseach Centres of the Institute of Philosophy are active in the PhD programme. For more information about supervisors and subject matters, see our research groups:
Centre for Intercultural Philosophy
Centre for Political Philosophy
Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Philosophy
Centre for Continental Philosophy
Centre for Theoretical Philosophy
PhD Council
Tasks and Objectives
The PhD Council is the body elected from the Institute for Philosophy's PhD student community in order to represent the general interests of all of the institute's PhD candidates. The Council keeps itself informed of the PhD candidates' concerns and any relevant matters within the institute, Leiden University and the academic world in general. The PhD Council advises the institute's Academic Director, on its own initiative as well as at the institute's request, on all matters relating to the teaching and supervision of its PhD candidates.
The Council's second objective is to increase and maintain the social cohesion and collaboration within the institute's PhD student community. To this end, the Council organises activities that promote the exchange of knowledge, skills, experiences and ideas among the PhD candidates and between the PhD candidates and the Institute for Philosophy.
For a list of our PhD researchers Candidates
The Council consists of five members and has a term of office of two years. The elected members of the PhD Council are appointed by the Academic Director of the Institute for Philosophy and then choose a chair and secretary from their midst.
The current Council as per 1 April 2024, consists of the following PhD candidates:
Fabiun Schoendube (chair)
Yonas Abebe
Irem Güven
Masoud Kiani
Alexandra Prégent
Fabius Schoendube
Hayden Weaver
PhD Confidential Advisor
If as a PhD candidate you experience problems in your relationship with your supervisor or co-supervisor or other PhD candidates, you can turn to the Faculty’s Confidential Advisor for PhD Candidates.
Meetings and Research Seminars
The members of the Council meet at least twice a year - or more frequently in case of urgencies.
email address:
Important information
Information on Obtaining a Partial UTQ Certificate:
Phd Student who have teaching obligations are eligible to obtain a Partial University Teaching Qualification Certificate. To obtain this Certificate you have to meet some requirements which you can find here: BKO
Information on PhD fees:
As from 1 September 2024, external PhD candidates will pay € 400 a year for their registration.
As from 1 September 2024, funded PhD candidates will pay € 2800 a year for their registration.
CSC funded PhD candidates are exempted from paying this fee.
Current PhD candidates are also exempted from paying this fee during a transition of four years.
Language proficiency requirements as from 1 September 2024:
All PhD candidates who register at the HUM-Graduate school will need to provide a proficiency test in the language in which their thesis will be written.
Academic integrity course:
All PhD candidates must complete the academic integrity course before their defence. This is an online course provided by the HUM-Graduate School and a course provided by the Institute via Prof. dr. J.W. McAllister.