Die heilige Poesie: toward a practical account of the Hegelian art of sublimity
This dissertation deals with Hegel’s theory of the sublime (das Erhabene). I focus specifically on die heilige Poesie (sacred poetry), a form of art that he identifies with the Judaic Psalms and which I claim to be the core of Hegel’s approach to sublimity. I claim that Hegel’s apparent lack of interest in the sublime must be clarified and interpreted in the light of his comments on the heilige Poesie. But to fully elucidate this, it is necessary to move beyond the domain of Hegel’s aesthetics: we should turn to his early practical dispute, before 1800, with Kantian morality in order to reconstruct and fully elucidate Hegel’s attitude toward sublimity.
- Author
- Víctor Manuel Ibarra Becerra
- Date
- 01 February 2022