Central Asia Initiative
Below you can find lists of Leiden-based and international organizations working on Central Asia, and an overview of useful resources on Central Asia.

Asian Modernities and Traditions
Asian Modernities and Traditions (AMT) launched its Central Asia Initiative in February 2015. The project will run until February 2017.
For more information, please contact Dr. Elena Paskaleva at: e.g.paskaleva@hum.leidenuniv.nl

International Institute for Asian Studies
The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) points out that the study of Central and Inner Asia faces a multitude of challenges, brought about by the break-up of the Soviet Union, the emergence of new states, the rise of China, the development of new national narratives, and a diminishing interest from Europe and the United States. This edition of the IIAS Newsletter Spring 2015 Focus addresses some of the problems, and proposes new policies to promote the proper understanding of a region that, to many, lies in a disregarded area on the map of the world.
For more information, please contact Dr. Willem Vogelsang at: w.j.vogelsang@iias.nl
Leiden University Buddhist Studies Network
The Leiden University Buddhist Studies Network is a virtual meeting place, open to all (prospective) Buddhist Studies students and staff of Leiden University. A great place to get connected and stay in the loop.
European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS)
European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS)
In 1985 a group of scholars from the Netherlands, Germany, France, Great Britain, and Denmark, working within Central Asian Studies decided to establish informal cooperation with the purpose of promoting joint research and interdisciplinary studies among European scholars on Central Asia.
The European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) invites proposals for individual papers, panels and round-table discussions for the fourteenth ESCAS biennial conference scheduled for 8th -11th October 2015 at the Department for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zurich, Switzerland. The Conference will be organized by the Halle-Zurich Centre for the Anthropological Study of Central Asia (CASCA). The theme of the 2015 conference is Central Asia in the XXI Century: Historical trajectories, contemporary challenges and everyday encounters
Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS)
Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS)
Based in North America, CESS is an international organization for scholars concerned with the Central Eurasian region. The Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) seeks to promote high standards of research and teaching, to foster communication among scholars of Central Asia through meetings and social networking, and to facilitate interaction among scholars at different stages in their career and in different places around the world. Created in 2000, the society presents various forums for the presentation of research including CESS’s annual conference and the biannual Regional Conference; awards annual prizes (including the graduate student paper award and the book award), and provides members with the opportunity to present research informally through the CESS Blog. CESS also offers members discounted prices for subscriptions to peer-reviewed publications, such as Central Asian Survey and Central Asian Affairs.
Organization for the Advancement of Studies of Inner Eurasian Societies
Organization for the Advancement of Studies of Inner Eurasian Societies
A community of graduate students and scholars from varied disciplines and area studies perspectives at Columbia University. Our goal is to foster dialogue and partnership across the academic spaces bounded by the East Asian, Middle Eastern, South Asian, and Russian area studies paradigms as we investigate Inner Eurasia.
Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies
Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Hardvard University
The Davis Center supports both individual research and sponsored research programs on Russia and the nations and countries that surround it. Individual researchers work on their own projects while enjoying a collegial atmosphere for scholarly exchange and discussion. Targeted research programs build resources and expand scholarship related to a particular topic or area.
Find a scholar: Central Asian expertise guide of the Davis Center
Exeter Central Asian Studies Network
The Exeter Central Asian Studies research group (ExCAS) was formed in 2010 and now includes as active members around ten doctoral students, including five members of the University of Central Asia’s Faculty Development Programme, as well as academic staff of the University of Exeter. The group includes scholars of Political Science, Sociology, Islamic studies, social mobilization, civil society, gender studies, conflict studies and International Relations.
Central Asianist Podcast, initiative by Nate Schenkkan covering pressing issues in Central Asia
Central Asia Survey
Central Asian Survey is the only established peer reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal in the world concerned with the history, politics, cultures, religions and economies of the Central Asian and Caucasian regions. These include primarily the republics of former Soviet Central Asia and the South and North Caucasus. Also covered are Chinese Xinjiang, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey in relation to their links/policies vis-à-vis Central Asia.
The Silk Road Journal
This journal is dedicated to public education about the history and cultures of Eurasia, especially in pre-modern times.
Perspectives on Central Asia
Eurasian Dialogue publishes Perspectives on Central Asia, a quarterly bulletin dealing with the many aspects of life in Central Asia. This innovative publication provides Central Asia specialists and enthusiasts with perspectives on the region from an array of different academic disciplines ranging from Security Studies to Musicology and Economics. Promoting synergies and inter-disciplinary knowledge on Central Asia is one of Eurasian Dialogue's primary objectives. Through promoting a holistic approach, Perspectives on Central Asia, aims to help bridge the divides between academics, practitioners and enthusiasts working in different fields in Central Asia.
Transoxiana: Journal Libre de Estudios Orientales