The team
The HOME team is composed of professionals with a multidisciplinary background from Leiden University and beyond.
The HOME Team:

Wei Chu
Dr Wei Chu is a Palaeolithic archaeologist and Asst. Professor at Leiden University’s Faculty of Archaeology. Dr Chu academic journey includes a Habilitation from the University of Cologne, a Ph.D. from the University of Reading, and an M.A. from Leiden University. Dr. Chu has conducted research on sedimentary processes in Pleistocene Europe and the paleoenvironmental dynamics of East-Central Europe. He has co-directed multiple Paleolithic site excavations across East-Central Europe and contributes regularly to various international conferences and panels.

Tullio Abruzzese
Tullio Abruzzese is a PhD researcher within HOME. His research encompasses ecological behaviours as well as cultural anthropology. Tullio is currently studying the dwelling behaviours of forager societies across the globe, looking for the factors that influence the design, location, construction, and function of shelters in different ecological settings.

Alexander Wilkinson
Alexander Wilkinson is a PhD researcher at HOME. He is researching cave site use in East-Central Europe during the Late Pleistocene using inter-disciplinary methods. His research aims to further understand the role of Upper-Palaeolithic cave occupations and their relation to open-air shelters.

Adrian Doboș
Dr Adrian Doboș is a senior researcher at the Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology of the Romanian Academy. Dr Doboș is interested in Late Pleistocene lithic technology and past hominin use of fire. Dr Doboș has also directed and participated in numerous Palaeolithic excavations in Romania and abroad.

Pavlo Shydlovski
Prof. dr Pavlo Shydlovskyi specializes in prehistoric archaeology and heritage preservation. He is Head of the Department of Archaeology and Museum Studies at Taras Shevchenko National University, where he leads expeditions exploring Upper Palaeolithic and Neolithic vestiges in the Middle Dnieper and monitors archaeological sites amid ongoing challenges due to the war in Ukraine.