Expert roundtable
In March 2021, Assistant Professor Valentina Carraro took part in an expert roundtable providing recommendations to the United Nations Secretary-General on turning into action the goals of the Declaration on the Commemoration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations (UN75 Declaration).
The roundtable was part of the event ‘European Perspectives on Taking Forward the UN75 Declaration: From Reflection to Innovation & Action’ organized by the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Stimson Center, Academic Council on the UN System (ACUNS), Plataforma CIPÓ, and Leiden University.
Carraro took part in the 'Human Rights, the Rule of Law, and Democratic Governance' roundtable. Questions addressed were, amongst others, ‘What UN system reform and strengthening measures can help accelerate the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of youth? How does the UN human rights pillar need to be broadened and strengthened to cater for the digital world? How can the UN better help countries realize these commitments on the ground (from peacebuilding and nation-building to “equality building”)?’
Other roundtables focused on 'Sustainable Development and Climate Action,' and on 'Peace & Security and Humanitarian Action'.
A synthesis report of the main insights and recommendations can be found here.