Earth System Governance Speakers Series
On May 20th, Joost de Moor took part in a panel that examined what is (not) unique about the recent waves of climate mobilization, as well as the question of engagement with or opposition to formal global sustainability governance institutions.
Joost' talk was part of the (online) Earth System Governance Speakers Series on “Alternative actions? Climate Activism and Earth System Governance”, organized by Amandine Orsini (Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles), and alongside Jennifer Allan (Cardiff University). Based on articles including the ones listed below, Joost discussed what is (or isn’t) new about recent waves of climate activism under the banners of Fridays For Future and Extinction Rebellion, arguing that a ‘return to the state’ appears most distinctive. The latter poses a challenge to our understanding of the state in the Anthropocene.
Further readings
Are you interested to learn more about Joost' work on this topic? Please have a look at
- de Moor, J., M. De Vydt, K. Uba & M. Wahlström. (2020). New kids on the block: taking stock of the recent cycle of climate activism. Social Movement Studies.
- de Moor, J. (2020). Alternative Globalities? Climatization processes and the climate movement beyond COPs. International Politics.
- de Moor, J. (2018). The ‘efficacy dilemma’ of climate activism: The case of COP21. Environmental Politics 27 (6), pp 1079-1100.
- de Moor, J., K. Uba, M. Wahlström, M. Wennerhag and M. De Vydt (eds.) (2020). Protest for a future II: Composition, mobilization and motives of the participants in Fridays For Future climate protests on 20-27 September, 2019, in 19 cities around the world. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/ASRUW.