LUCIR 2024 Annual Lecture: Courts in Conflict: Developments and Challenges in Human Rights Litigation in Armed Conflict
- Date
- Tuesday 8 October 2024
- Time
- Location
- Wijnhaven
Turfmarkt 99
The Hague - Room
- 2.01
Litigation of human rights claims has proliferated globally in recent years, on the national and international levels. Armed conflicts are also on the rise, with notorious implications for human rights, alongside widespread recognition that international human rights law applies during conflict. Perhaps unsurprisingly then, in recent years we have also witnessed a vast growth and diversification of human rights litigation challenging serious violations in conflict. This lecture explores this phenomenon. It will first consider the evolving landscape of litigation in armed conflict, involving diverse fora, parties, areas of law and remedies. Considering concrete examples of litigation from a range of conflict scenarios, including the current conflict in Gaza, it will reflect on the role and impact, but also challenges and limitations, that the experience of litigating in armed conflict reveals. It will draw on the lecturer’s/Prof Duffy's academic research on human rights in armed conflict and strategic human rights litigation, and be illustrated by examples from her international legal practice (Human Rights in Practice) of litigation emerging from different conflict-related scenarios.
Prof dr. Tahir Abbas, Profesor at Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs The Hague.
Dr. mr. Eamon Alayo, Assistant Professor, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University.
Prof. Alanna O’Malley, Associate Professor, Leiden University Institute for History
- Dr. Anna Marhold (Leiden University, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies)
About Helen Duffy
Helen Duffy is a Professor of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the Grotius Centre. Her research areas includes strategic human rights litigation, counter-terrorism, climate justice, human rights in armed conflict (interplay of human rights and humanitarian law), judicial independence and non-state actors.
Alongside her academic work, Professor Duffy is an experienced international human rights lawyer. She currently runs an international legal practice ‘Human Rights in Practice’ specializing in international legal advice and strategic litigation before regional and international human rights courts and bodies (www.rightsinpractice.org). Previous posts include as Legal Director of INTERIGHTS, Counsel to Human Rights Watch/New York, Legal Director of the Centre for Human Rights Legal Action (Guatemala), Legal Officer Prosecutor’s office of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Legal Adviser to the UK ‘Arms for Iraq’ Inquiry and Legal Officer in the UK government legal service.
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