Research project
“You say security, I say crisis” – Challenging Disciplinary Boundaries in Security Cooperation and Crisis Governance
This project explores the ongoing acceleration of overlapping systemic crises and security threats and their interactions with local, national, and regional processes in a closely interconnected world.
- Duration
- 2024 - 2030
- Contact
- Andrea Warnecke
- Funding
- University Starting Grant
- Partners

The current sense of polycrisis is exacerbated by intense criticisms of the actors, institutions, and practices of governance and cooperation. Divisive politics and discourses call for an interrogation of societal, sectoral, and epistemological approaches to security cooperation and crisi governance. Our project consortium thus integrates three research agendas with the aim to advance a critical and deeper understanding of such crucial contemporary developments and their historical roots.
The assumption is that the combined effects of rapidly developing polycrises substantially weaken any baseline consensus on the nature and causes of common threats and further fragment demands for security. Our challenge is therefore to better identify these causes and demands through cross-disciplinary collaboration so as to match this complexity and interconnectedness with relevant insights from varied disciplines and research programmes.
The research programme consists of three individual and two shared research projects.