International Criminal Law: From Theory To Practice
Programme & Lecturers
- Challenges of International Criminal Law
- Sustaining the ICC in the midst of State pushback
- Genocide
- Crimes Against Humanity
- Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty and the Incorporation of Gender Apartheid
- Sexual and Gender-based Violence
- War Crimes
- Crime of Aggression
- Jurisdiction and Admissibility
- Head of State Immunities at the ICC
- Building a Prosecution Case
- Building a Defense Case
- Defense State of Mind
- Evidence in International Criminal Trials
- Modes of Liability in International Criminal Law: Individual Criminal Responsibility
- Modes of Liability in International Criminal Law: Command Responsibility
- Charismatic Leadership Accountability under ICL
- State Cooperation and Complementarity
- Victim's Reparations
- Witness Protection at the International Courts
- Starvation as a Weapon of Warfare
- Role of International Criminal Law in Global Security
- Domestic Enforcement of International Crimes
- Moot Court Competition
- Advocacy Training