Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies (MSc)
Why study 'Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies' at Leiden University and the Autonomous University of Barcelona?
The collaboration between Leiden University (Medical Center) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona forms one of the most powerful international alliances for the creation and transmission of knowledge in the field of transfusion medicine.
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A Master’s degree for anyone wanting to learn more about transfusion medicine and advanced cell therapies. The teaching material is up-to-date and written by highly qualified professionals. Tutoring is constantly available. Because it is online, you can study in your own time. It is well worth it.
Study at a world-class university
Leiden University is the oldest university in the Netherlands and enjoys an excellent worldwide reputation built up over more than four centuries. Since 1575 we’ve provided sound personal education for hundreds of thousands of students. We’ll do our utmost to give you the best possible support. And if you can and want to do more, we’ll challenge you every step of the way. For many years, we’ve been among the leaders in Dutch university rankings and we are currently to be found in a variety of top international rankings too.
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
The LUMC is a modern university medical centre for research, education and patient care with a high-quality profile, excellent research facilities and a strong scientific orientation. Its research practice, ranging from pure fundamental medical research to applied clinical research, places the LUMC among the world top.
The Master's attention for advanced cellular therapies directly synergizes with one of the main biomedical research profiles of the LUMC namely vascular and regenerative medicine. The programme’s attention for blood transfusion medicine moreover synergizes with the LUMC-Sanquin collaboration on this subject within the JJ van Rood Center for Transfusion Medicine.
The Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
After 50 years of existence, the UAB has consolidated amongst the 200 best universities in the world within the main university rankings.
This Master is linked to the Chair of Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapy (CMT3) and is formed by members of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Health and Ageing Foundation of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Fundacio Salut i Envelliment) and the Blood and Tissue Bank.
> Read more about the Autonomous University of Barcelona.