Universiteit Leiden

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Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies (MSc)

About the programme

MT3 is a globally unique programme led by professors and reference authors that cover the most up-to-date knowledge possible in the area of Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapy. It provides access to high quality knowledge and skills via a completely online system.

Programme overview

This programme provides you with highly specialised, up-to-date knowledge of transfusion medicine and advanced cellular therapies. You can follow either the two-year parttime programme or the one-year fulltime variant. You will develop specific competences in the analysis and application of the latest advances in transfusion medicine and advanced cellular therapies. Furthermore, you will build up capacity for taking strategic and operational decisions within the blood transfusion value chain. You can find an overview of the courses below:

Parttime programme - Year 1
Module Name ECTS
Blood Donation 9
Blood Transfusion 9
Immunohematology 9
Cell and Tissue Therapy and Tissue Banking 3
Total 30
Parttime programme - Year 2
Module Name ECTS
Cell and Tissue Therapy and Tissue Banking (cont.) 9
Management and QC Aspects 6
Master Thesis 15
Total 30

If you would like to know more, you can find a detailed description of each course at programme structure. 

Educational methods

During the Master you will gain knowledge and skills by resolving practical case studies, conducting research into specific areas, and participating in class debates. More examples of the education methods that are offered by the programme are:

  • Written assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Practical activities
  • Debates
  • Individual study
  • Cooperative learning
  • Oral presentations
  • Reading papers or reports of interest
  • Formal lectures

Student support services

Student guidance in the MT3 Master is integrated in the online design. Teachers’ guidance focuses on providing feedback and helping with the content. Students can also reach out to our tutors, who assists with questions about educational procedures.