Universiteit Leiden

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Economics and Governance (MSc)

About the programme

The focal point of the E&G specialisation is welfare states and markets. You develop your skills in economic reasoning, and conducting economic analysis, while learning about the role of government in creating, facilitating and controlling markets.

Programme overview

The 1-year Master of Public Administration/Economics and Governance specialisation builds on two core courses followed by every MPA student: Public Institutions and Public Policy & Values, which give you an understanding of cutting-edge research in the field of public administration. Four specialisation-specific courses, one elective, and practical Research Design and Research Methods courses fill out your first three study blocks and prepare you to write your culminating master’s thesis in Block 4.

Courses are offered during two semesters: September-January and February-June.

Check the e-prospectus for the official course listing.

Educational methods

In the Master of Public Administration, Economics and Governance specialisation, you experience a combination of classic and innovative teaching methods:

  • Most courses consist of lectures that offer a degree of interaction and give room for discussion;
  • Most of the instruction happens in small scale working groups in which active participation and preparation are expected.

This is a full-time programme. 

Student Support Services

Sometimes students need extra support or advice before or during their studies at Leiden University. This may take many forms: maybe you need the help of a Study Advisor, or to speak with a student psychologist about personal issues, or you experience chronic illness such as physical or psychological difficulties or dyslexia.

Here is an overview of university Student Support Services.