Universiteit Leiden

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Master European Law - Leiden University

European Law (LL.M.)

Programme structure

The European Law Master’s specialisation distinguishes itself by its broad intra-disciplinary approach, covering institutional, constitutional as well as substantive law of the EU in addition to human rights from an EU perspective.

Description of programme

You will study the institutional structure of the Union (looking at the present Treaty structure as well as at proposed reforms in the Treaty of Lisbon) and the manner in which compliance with the fundamental rights within the legal order of the Union is ensured. In addition, you will learn about the position of the European Union in the world, the relation between EU law and national law, and the way in which trade and commerce is regulated by the EU.

For a detailed programme for European Law, see the Prospectus

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Overview Master's programme

Dutch students

  • Interaction between Legal Systems – Globalizing law: legal reasoning in International, EU and national law.
  • European Protection of Human Rights or EU External Relations Law or Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
International students
Choose 2 of the 3 courses below: 
  • European Protection of Human Rights
  • EU External Relations Law
  • Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

All students

  • EU Institutional Law & General Principles of EU Law 
  • Capita Selecta of European Law - Privatissimum 
All students
  • EU Internal Market and Competition Law 
  • European Law in Practice – Practicum
  • Thesis Master of Law

Specific subjects

In this course students will focus on a particular topic of European law under the supervision of a lecturer who is an expert in that particular field. Students will thus benefit from lecturers who teach about the very core of their own research interests. In previous years, topics included EU constitutional law, EU migration law and EU fundamental rights. The course format allows for working in small groups and receiving personal feedback from the tutor. A number of introductory lectures will be offered on research methodology, academic writing and presentation skills. After this, students are required to formulate their own research proposal, prepare and present draft-research in class and comment on the work of their peers.

In this course students will be introduced to the practical side of EU law both from a procedural as well as a substantive point of view. Students will solve cases and act in groups as applicant, defendant, advocate general, and as judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union in a series of moot courts in the fields of internal market law and/or competition law. In their respective teams, students will research, analyse and apply EU law and case law from the Court of Justice and the General Court of the EU. Students will be required to prepare written submissions to the Court of Justice on a variety of issues. Furthermore, they will be asked to present their case orally and will thereby practice their presentation skills in a courtroom situation.

In this course students will focus on the main body of rules governing the internal market. An area without internal frontiers within which the Member States must ensure the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital. The internal market comprises the backbone of the European integration project. In the first part of the course the four fundamental freedoms will be introduced. The “fifth freedom”, EU Citizenship, will additionally be studied as an example of how EU integration has moved beyond pure economic cooperation. In addition, this course offers a platform in which students reflect critically on the role of fundamental rights in EU internal market legislation as well as on the concepts of market access and discrimination in internal market legislation.