European Law (LL.M.)
About the programme
The European Law Master’s specialisation is founded on the Europa Institute’s research programme, The progression of EU law: Accommodating change and upholding values. The programme distinguishes itself by its broad intra-disciplinary approach, covering institutional, constitutional as well as substantive law of the EU in addition to human rights from an EU perspective.
Description of the programme
You will study the institutional structure of the Union (looking at the present Treaty structure as well as at proposed reforms in the Treaty of Lisbon) and the manner in which compliance with the fundamental rights within the legal order of the Union is ensured. In addition, you will learn about the position of the European Union in the world, the relation between EU law and national law, and the way in which trade and commerce is regulated by the EU.
Stefaan Van den Bogaert

"Society needs lawyers who know how Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg work. It is our aim to train lawyers who can find their way in the European legal order."
"European law has an impact on almost every aspect of our daily lives. Much of this we take for granted or may not even realise. It is beyond doubt that Europe has faced major challenges over the past decade. The crisis have however also created opportunities. Even Brexit will prove to be a starting point for change and renewal."
Full-time or part-time
The programme is offered full-time (one academic year) and part-time (regularly two academic years), both with daytime classes. Part-time students are offered the same facilities and courses as full-time students. You may start the programme either in September or in February. Each course is concluded with an examination. This is usually a written exam with case questions and essay questions. You will be expected to make regular contributions throughout the courses and are required to prepare oral and written presentations. For non-European students, the part-time option is not possible because of visa requirements.
Note for international students
Before applying to the programme, international students are advised to verify with the relevant authorities whether the diploma of this master’s programme, together with their bachelor’s degree, qualifies as full legal education and provides access to the legal profession in their home countries. Dutch students with a bachelor in law fulfil the requirements for the civil effect upon successful completion of this master’s programme. Subsequently, they are able to become a judge, a lawyer or a public prosecutor.
European Law Moot Court Competition
Participation in moot courts is actively supported. The European Law Moot Court Competition (ELMC) is the most prestigious moot court for European Law and Leiden has a proud tradition of participating and winning prizes. Since 2012 we have won the prizes for Best Overall Team (2013); Best Written Pleadings (2015); and Best Advocate General (2016).