Universiteit Leiden

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Health, Ageing and Society (MSc)


Below you can find an answer to the most frequently asked questions about our programme. Is your question not in this FAQ? Please contact us for a personalised answer via: masterhas@lumc.nl.

We have arranged a broad scale of information activities for students who are considering to study Health, Ageing and Society. Check out our upcoming events here

For more personalized information, get in touch with us: 
•    Chat with a Health, Ageing and Society student directly via Unibuddy or e-mail studentambassadorva@lumc.nl
•    Chat with an alumni, teacher or the study advisor via masterhas@lumc.nl

•    Plan a (video)call with a Health, Ageing and Society student by appointment via masterhas@lumc.nl

Please find the information on the page Admission requirements. If you still have questions after reading, do not hesitate to contact us on: studyadvisorhas@lumc.nl.

Have a look at our list of free admissible Bachelor’s backgrounds. Students with other Bachelor’s backgrounds than mentioned in this list are invited to submit a request for admission to the Board of Admissions of the master’s. This request will be individually reviewed.

If you think you are admissible, please send an e-mail to studyadvisorhas@lumc.nl, so that we can estimate your chances.

Yes this is possible. You can still follow the 1-year fulltime programme. However, we recommend the 2-year parttime programme if you plan to combine Health, Ageing and Society with another Master (±20 hours a week). For more information go to the page Parttime programme.

If you are interested in the parttime programme or if have any questions, please send an e-mail to 

Yes you can! Since September 2021 the Master's also offers a parttime programme (±20 hours a week). For more information go to the page Parttime programme.
Perhaps this is a way for you to combine your job with the Master's Health, Ageing and Society or to combine 2 Master studies? If you are interested in the parttime programme or if have any questions, please send an e-mail to

You can apply for the parttime programme in the same way you would apply for the fulltime programme, namely via Studielink. In Studielink, there is a separate option to register for the parttime programme.

For more information go to the page Parttime programme.

This master’s program gives you the chance to broaden and deepen your knowledge—looking beyond your medical training to include the social and societal factors that impact health. The program focuses on research and innovation, giving you the tools to explore any future academic path, including a PhD, while adding valuable knowledge that can improve your clinical practice.

With the ageing population becoming more important, you’ll learn how to approach patient care in a more complete way during your clinical rotations. Additionally, the new knowledge and diverse skills trainings during the master’s program will enhance your personal and professional development, making you better equipped for your clinical rotations.

Last but not least, you can combine your HAS internship with your clinical internship ('wetenschapsstage').

Yes it is possible to combine your Health, Ageing and Society internship with your 16 weeks (LUMC) Medicine internship. In most cases you will do your 16 week Medicine internship on a HAS topic. Afterwards, you can get exemption for your HAS internship. If you are interested, let us know as soon as possible to discuss the possibilities. For more information you can contact our internship coordinator Carla Bakker via masterhas@lumc.nl.

Yes, you have an option to start the programme in February.  You can apply for the start in February in the same way you would apply for the start in September, namely via Studielink. In Studielink, there is a separate option to register for the start in February.

Students from non-EER countries are highly recommended to start the programme in September, since the February programme start will cause issues for your visa. The reason for this is that from February until Summer you will not obtain a sufficient number of ECTS to extend your visa. For questions please contact the study advisor via studyadvisorhas@lumc.nl.

For fulltime students if you start in February, the programme will be as follows:

Fulltime 2025-2026

For parttime students starting in February 2025, the programme will look as follows:

Parttime 2025-2027

For parttime students starting in February 2026, the programme will look as follows:

Parttime 2026-2028

You can start with your internship once two out of the three main modules (OAS/BVA/OI) have been succesfully completed. For parttime, the courses BVA and OI rotate on a yearly basis. In September 2026, you will start with BVA. In 2027 you will follow OI. For more information on the schedule, see Parttime programme.

Yes it is possible to study the Master's Health, Ageing and Society besides your job. We recommend you to follow the 2-year parttime programme (± 20 hours a week). The programme is a combination of selfstudy and one mandatory day a week on campus, every Friday.

For more information go to the page Parttime programme.

We think it is important that you connect with your fellow students. Therefore, all lectures and working groups are organised on campus, spread throughout the week (i.e. 5 days). Only in a few occasions, lectures will be offered online. This will be the case for example if lectures are held by international experts or if a lecture could otherwise not be offered due to availability of the lecturer. In case of an orientation visit, you are expected to travel to the location where the organisation we are visiting is located. 

For part-time students, recorded lectures are offered throughout the week, and there will be an on campus day on Fridays with interactive working groups, orientation visits and mentoring.

Yes! There are various options to get in touch with Health, Ageing and Society students or alumni. Contact us via masterhas@lumc.nl or chat with a student to make an appointment. 

For all housing requests, please find your answer at the Leiden University Housing page.

For personal circumstances which influence your study ability you can get in touch with our study advisor Anna Bolhuis. You can email studyadvisorhas@lumc.nl to get in contact with her and make an (online) appointment.

Chat with a Health, Ageing and Society student!

Want to ask a question to a current Health, Ageing and Society student? Chat with our student ambassador!