Egyptology (research) (MA)
Meet our staff

Dr. K. Donker Van Heel
Koen Donker Van Heel is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. His fields of interest include Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic, two rather difficult stages of the language of ancient Egypt, between c. 800 BC and 300 AD. Since most legal contracts from ancient Egypt were written in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic, this also explains his penchant for ancient Egyptian law, society and economy. View his full profile here.

Dr. B.J.J. Haring
Ben Haring is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. His research interst covers the social, economic, administrative and legal aspects of Pharaonic Egypt, especially the role of texts and writing in society. View his full profile here.

Prof.dr. O.E. Kaper
Olaf Kaper is a professor of Egyptology at Leiden University, specialized in the New Kingdom to Greek and Roman Periods. An expert in the fields of Egyptian religion, iconography and cultural history, he furthermore excavates in the Dakhleh Oasis. View his full profile here.

Dr. M. Müller
Miriam Müller is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. She is an Egyptian archaeologist and especially interested in the spatial organization of domestic architecture in the pharaonic period and its social implications. She is currently working on aspects of the formation of identity at the household level, in particular through ancestor cults. View her full profile here.