Universiteit Leiden

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Research in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSc)

About the programme

Research in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points.

The curriculum of the Research in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences specialisation consists of:

  • Introduction Course Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (6 EC) prepares you for Research Project 1
  • Research project 1 (47 EC) a nine-month research project within a research division of the LACDR
  • Research project 2 (35 EC): a six-month research project at an academic institute or a pharmaceutical company
  • Literature study plus thesis (7 EC): five consecutive weeks at one of the divisions of the LACDR
  • Lecture series 1 in BPS (4 EC): select one of the lecture series listed in the e-prospectus of the master BPS
  • Course Advanced academic skills and career orientation (3 EC)
  • Optional courses or traineeships (18 EC)

Educational methods

  • Learning through research
  • Process learning approach to academic writing and presenting
  • Laboratory and computational learning
  • Literature study
  • Presentations
  • Lectures and tutorials
  • Working groups
  • Individual study

Study guidance

One of the strengths of the Research in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences specialisation is that from day one, you are a member of a research team of your choice at LACDR and you are guided by an individual mentor. You assemble a tailor-made educational programme for optimal training to become a professional drug researcher. Planning and designing your own study path provides you with essential skills for your future career. When you need advice, our dedicated study advisor for the master’s programme is the person to go to. The study advisor can provide professional help with the study programme and planning, but is also available for guidance in case of personal circumstances that may affect study progress.