Urban Studies (BA)
A day in the life
What is it like to study Urban Studies in The Hague? Sonia Dobkowska, second year student, describes what a typical day looks like for her.
Sonia Dobkowska
Second year student

A day in the life
08:00 |
I wake up and have breakfast. |
09:00 |
I'm all awake and ready to do some reading on global urban history, the subject of the lecture I will be following later this morning. |
10:45 |
I leave my room to go to the lecture hall. I'm lucky with the location of my room: it's a bike ride of only ten minutes to the university building. I grab a cup of coffee with some of my fellow students before going in. |
11:00 | The lecture on global urban history is very interesting. The professor explains issues relating to the urban social fabric, poverty, and inequality across Europe, the Middle East, China, and the Americas. Afterwards I have a quick snack before going to my next class. |
13:00 |
Start of our workgroup on The Great Divergence, or the West and the Rest. Here we lean more in depth about the theories of Max Weber and Edward Said. In most of our workgroups there are about 15 to 18 people, usually there is a lot of discussion going on. Today we discuss our observations on the orientalism that is sometimes present in urban studies. |
15:00 |
I meet a friend at our favourite café in the municipality building for a late lunch. |
16:00 |
I go home to get some studying done. |
19:00 |
Time to cook and eat dinner. |
20:00 | I go to an open-mic event in the city, together with some friends. |
23:00 | When I get home, I'm quite tired and decide to all it a day. By 23:30 it's definitely bedtime. |