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Promotores (doctoral supervisors)

During the pre-PhD phase the Dual PhD Centre collaborates with the candidate to find a suitable doctoral supervisor (Dutch: promotor) and graduate school. The doctoral supervisor has a critical role in the dissertation research process. Under his/her supervision, the candidate develops a dissertation plan based on the research proposal, conducts the research, and reports the research findings. The doctoral supervisor is responsible for the academic quality of the candidate's work.

Under recently changed Dutch law, it is not just full professors that have the right to act as a doctoral supervisor or promotor (Latin; plural promotores), which means they can confer the PhD degree. Our 580 professors of Leiden University's scientific disciplines can act as a doctoral supervisor/promotor at the Dual PhD programme. Below the promotores of the Dual PhD Centre are listed per faculty

  • Edwin Bakker Professor Terrorism and Contraterrorism

    Kamaran Palani

  • Gerrit Dijkstra Assistant Professor

    Second doctoral supervisor of Wilma der Weduwe

  • Frits van der Meer Professor emeritus Comparative Public Sector and Civil Service Reform

    Ton van Gestel, Rigtje Passchier, Kees Nagtegaal

  • Jos Raadschelders Professor emeritus Public Administration/ Comparative analysis of normative aspects of public administration

    Wilma der Weduwe

  • Bernard Steunenberg Professor Public administration, including the institutional economy of the public sector

    Rosa Groen, second doctoral supervisor of Vasileios Karakasis

  • Joris Voorhoeve Professor Emeritus Public Administration

    Vasileios Karakasis, dr. Karin Wester

  • Rob de Wijk Professor emeritus International Relations and Security

    Raoel Nanhekhan, Carole O'Leary 

  • Wim Willems Professor emeritus of Social History

    Dr. Saskia Gras

  • Kutsal Yesilkagit Professor International Governance

    Marcel van der Klaauw

  • Prof. Hans Borgman Professor of Information Systems and Digital Business University of Amsterdam

    Dr. Wilfred Rachan, Dr. Allessandro Anastassio, Thomas Hagman

Prof. W. Otterspeer, Humanities
 Dr. Christophe de Voogd, dr. Pieter Slaman, dr. Kees van Gageldonk, dr. Anneke Boot
Prof. F.C. de Ruiter, Humanities
  Dr. Rina Visser
Prof. H. te Velde, Humanities
  Jelle Plesman
Prof. W.H. Willems, FGGA, Humanities
  Dr. Saskia Gras
Prof. A. Schmidt, Hu Geesteswetenschappen
  Eefke de Haan

Prof. S.E. Buitendijk, LUMC, vice-rector
 Dr. Hester Diderich
Prof. R.C. van der Mast, LUMC
 Merel van Loon
Prof. M.E. Numans, LUMC
 Judith van Niel-Staakman
Prof. A.M. Oudesluys-Murphy, LUMC
 Dr. Hester Diderich

Prof. J.A.A. Adriaanse, Law
 dr. Larissa Koupriouchna, dr. Doris Dull, Ganna Demydyuk
Prof. P.B. Cliteur, Law
 Dr. Margriet Krijtenburg, Anita van der Hulst, dr. Willy van Harten, Herman Schippers
Dr. H.W. Heinsch LLM, Law
 second doctoral supervisor of Christine Tremblay
Prof. H.J. van den Herik, Law and Faculty of Science
 Dr. Rob van Eijk, Ritsart Plantenga
Prof. H.M.T. Holtmaat, Law
 Christine Tremblay
Prof. E.R. Muller, Law
 Victor Roggeveen
Dr. J.I. van der Rest, Law
  second doctoral supervisor of dr. Larissa Koupriouchna, second doctoral supervisor of dr. Doris Dull
Prof. N.J. Schrijver, LAW
 Jolanda van der Vliet
Prof. L.F.M. Verheij, LAW
 Ineke van der Meule
Prof. W.J.M. Voermans, Law
  Dr. Laurens Raymakers, dr. Esmeralda Vergeer
Prof. H. Vording, LAW
 Jan Rouppe van der Voort

Prof. I. van Biezen, Social and Behavioural Sciences
 Charlotte de Roon
Prof. W.J. Heiser, Social and Behavioural Sciences
 Dr. Mark van Houwelingen
Prof. M.O. Hosli, Social and Behavioural Sciences
 Dr. Ries Kamphof
Prof. A.F.J. van Raan, Social and Behavioural Sciences
  Dr. Jos Winnink
Prof. J.T. Swaab, Social and Behavioural Sciences
  Dr. Annemarie Abbing 
Prof. R.J.W. Tijssen, Social and Behavioural Sciences
  Dr. Jos Winnink

Dr. M.R.V. Chaudron, Faculty of Science
 second doctoral supervisor of Dave Stikkolorum
Prof. S. Haring, Faculty of Science
 Bob Zadok Blok jr.
Prof. H.J. van den Herik, Law and Faculty of Science
 Dr. Rob van Eijk, Ritsart Plantenga
Prof. J.N. Kok, Faculty of Science
 Dave Stikkolorum

  • Dr. Miranda de Hei, Rineke Keijzer, Marieke Kroneman, second doctoral supervisor of dr. Willy van Harten 

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