In the media and research
Below you will find an overview of how researchers from the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs and their research appear in the media, and you can read more about topics that concern the Faculty.
Read more about Research and News of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs:
News and media
Research output
A systematic literature review of security and privacy by design principles, norms, and strategies for digital technologies
Parenthood, gender, and turning points to crime for young people in Latin America
A Feminine or Masculine Crisis? Gender Stereotypes and Leadership During a Pandemic
Russia Is Stepping Up Its Covert War Beyond Ukraine
The rise of open-source intelligence
Read more about Research and News of the Institute of Public Administration:
Indonesia's pre-employment card program: a saviour or a driver of inequality?
News and media
Research output
The political effects of intra-EU migration: Evidence from national and European elections in seven countries
Issue prioritisation decisions by local politicians: the role of order effects and justification requirements
Police patrols, fire alarms, or ambulance chasers? Parliamentary oversight of European monetary policy and banking supervision
Reputational pragmatism at the European Central Bank: preserving reputation(s) amidst widening climate interventions
Mobilising against Democratic Backsliding: What Motivates Protestors in Central and Eastern Europe?