Universiteit Leiden

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ICM 2019 Project results

The project results and dissemination activities listed here below are the results at the closure of the ICM 2019 project (Summer 2022).

Project results and dissemination activities


A summary of the project was published on the website of Leiden University, please see here https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2022/06/2019-2022-erasmus-international-credit-mobility-project-between-leiden-law-school-and-the-university-of-tirana-successfully-completed  

GUEST LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS: Two of the three academic staff participating in the project (namely Prof. Christa Tobler/Leiden LAw School and Dr. Nadia Rusi/Tirana University) gave guest lectures during their mobilities  



  • J. García Couce, Y. Campos Mora, G. Fuentes Estévez, E. Peón Avés, A. Almirall La Serna, J. Delgado García-Menocal, J. Rodríguez Cabello, L. J. Cruz. Development Of Poly(acrylamide-co-2-hydroxyethyl Methacrylate)/hydroxyapatite Composites As Drug Delivery Systems Of Cefazolin. 46th Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society (CRS), julio/2019. Valencia, Spain.  
  • Y. Campos, N. López, G. Fuentes, A. Almirall, L.J. Cruz. New modified Poly (methyl methacrylate) Cement as Drug Delivery System in Bone Tissue Restoration. 46th Annual Meeting Controlled Release Society (CRS), julio/2019. Valencia, Spain. 

SEMINARS/ WORKSHOPS: We stablished a series of internal seminar in order to check the advances of the research for all the participants, students and staff. The work carried out thanks to the financing of this project has made it possible to participate in various workshops in Cuba, Netherlands and USA. 


  1. Y. Campos, A. Almirall, G. Fuentes, H. L. Bloem, E. L. Kaijzel, L. J. Cruz. Tissue Engineering: An Alternative to Repair Cartilage. Tissue Engineering Part B 2019, 25(4): 357-373. DOI: 10.1089/ten.teb.2018.0330 
  1. J García-Couce, A. Almirall, G. Fuentes, E. Kaijzel, A. Chan, L. J. Cruz. Targeting Polymeric Nanobiomaterials as a Platform for Cartilage Tissue Engineering. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2019, 25(17): 1915-1932. DOI: 10.2174/1381612825666190708184745 

GUEST LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS: As part of the project staff members of the research team have been invited to give lectures at congresses, companies and universities in Cuba, The Netherlands, Italy, France, Spain and the United States which have been well received and recognized for the high scientific level and quality of the presentations. 


A number of planned or possible activities are agreed upon: 

EVENTS: an international conference in Tbilisi in 2024. 

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: agreed to co-author two chapters for a volume published by Routledge, to be published in 2024. 

GUEST LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS: invited a Georgia lecturer to Leiden for a talk. 


A student from UI who granted ICM grant last time has published a peer review article and ICM program has been explicitly acknowledged. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-75781-4  

WEBCOMMUNICATION: https://lumcglobal.nl 

GUEST LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS: On 19-23 Oct 2020, LUMC has organized a series of online lectures to be given to 80 international students from our partner universities, which aimed at providing understanding the immunological mechanisms driving the host response to viruses and pathogen and designing strategies to manipulate them. 


EVENTS: during the project period, presentations were given at three different conferences, referring to results of our earlier Erasmus projects. 

Application of TPACK model in developing autonomous language learning. Henk Frencken (Leiden University), Anar Ibrayeva, Dinara Dauletbayeva (KAZGUU University Kazakhstan). First International Conference: TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN THE ERA OF DIGITALIZATION, 24th 25th OCTOBER, 2019, ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN 

Four years of Erasmus+. Exchanges between the Netherlands and Kazakhstan: activities and outcomes. Bakhytgul Yermanova (NIS Intellectual School, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan) and Errol Ertugruloglu (Leiden University). At three international conferences, in Great Britain, the Netherlands and Georgia, partly overlapping papers were presented, highlighting the cooperation on CLIL between Leiden University and Wolfert van Borselen high school in the Netherlands and the NIS school in Pavlodar, including research into this cooperation. (See: https://vimeo.com/571043246 


This project pertained to a regular student exchange, which is well-embedded in Leiden Law School. The students did very well in class, and were - maybe because of that - admitted to the Columbia Summer Program (Columbia University, New York), that is taught in Leiden in July 2022. 

WEBCOMMUNICATION: Students Reports Database, Study Abroad Website

EVENTS: Study Abroad Presentations (Study Abroad Festival/Leiden, Study Abroad Fair/Kaslik 


Students were informed about study abroad options to Mohammed VI during study abroad information; a video report of one of the first students to go via the ICM agreement was posted on the programme’s website.
We were able to invite one staff member for staff exchange from Mohammed VI and thus were able to exchange information and best practices face to face.


EVENT:  SibMed International Winter School, December 2020 - Today’s Technologies and The Medicine of Tomorrow - [http] scicamp.ssmu.tilda.ws/personalized


The most tangible outcome of the project relates to the teaching experiences during the mobility. The colleague from Leiden University was able to meet students at all levels (Bachelor and Master level) and interact through guest lectures which provided room to the sharing of experiences and perspectives. In addition, these guest lectures were followed up by exchanges with the teaching staff in order to exchange experiences and methods for teaching (and research). These are documented in a news item on the website of Leiden University: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2022/07/frederik-behre-on-comparative-regional-integration-research-in-action  

Furthermore, concrete commitments were made to work on a joint book on legal research methodology and on a second edition of the existing textbook on EAC law (with a comparative EU angle). Although these publications are still in the preparatory phase, the mobility and the project enabled us to reach the necessary commitments to advance the matters. The same applies to the ambition to organize two conferences / seminars, one related to the EAC constitution project and another one on legal research methodology – related to the envisaged publication.  

And a final point is the network-building, which will facilitate any future cooperation as direct contacts and communication channels were established within the region.

EVENTS: An exchange with the teachers at the University of Rwanda was organized to speak about teaching techniques and course designs.  

SEMINARS/ WORKSHOPS: envisaged for the coming time: the EAC Constitution conference. The conference on legal research methods will be geared towards academics. 

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: Planned (EAC law textbook and book on legal research methodology; early planning phase started).  

GUEST LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS: Several guest lectures with students were organized tackling a variety of topics and enabling an exchange on contemporary challenge to regional integration. 


The visit to Leiden by four people from Pretoria as a whole was an invigorating experience that gave new impulses to the research and teaching at and between the two institutes. This was also made clear in an interview in the Leiden Newsletter the Erasmus+ ICM programme; see https://www.staff.universiteitleiden.nl/news/2021/11/international-credit-mobility-grant-brings-mathematicians-together-in-leiden. 

SEMINARS: on the occasion of the visit, we organized a functional analysis seminar with participants (MSc students, PhD students, postdocs, faculty) from Pretoria, Leiden, and other cities in the Netherlands in which an advanced book of general interest was studied. See https://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/~jeumfede/fasem_2021.html. 

Apart from this, we ran a seminar dedicated to research, in which the visitors and people from Leiden gave lectures.

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: two papers are in the making


Staff exchanged teaching practices and discussed research ideas against the backdrop of the shared history concept. As far as teaching was considered the idea to problematize the concept and examine its applicability was very useful. It stimulated the elaboration of an approach that is still in need of methodological sophistication. The staff discussions stimulated the writing of a paper by a staff member. This paper will be turned into a scholarly article and used in future history classes taught in Leiden and Paramaribo. Moreover, the plan is to include the shared history concept in an upcoming edited volume that will be issued at the occasion of 50 years of Surinamese independence. 
Students were introduced to the shared history concept and encouraged to consider Surinamese history through the shared history lense. Both for Dutch and Surinamese students this was quite challenging. It meant that they were invited to ignore the nation-state frame with which they were familiarized and engage with a concept they had not contemplated before. The fact that they were taught by a Dutch and a Surinamese historian helped to reconsider well-known facts from a different angle and move into new scholarly directions. Students have appreciated these avenues of thinking. 
Shared history was presented to a general audience through the publication of an opinion article in a Dutch daily. 

EVENTS: The Rudolf van Lier Lecture, a prestigious event hosted by Leiden University every two years, was delivered by one of the Surinamese staff members in the project on February 4, 2022: https://werkgroepcaraibischeletteren.nl/dossier-rudolf-van-lier-lezing-2022/  

SEMINARS/ WORKSHOPS: On the invitation of one of the staff members the PhD Student from Suriname participated in a workshop on lives after slavery at Nijmegen University. 

On July 12, 2022 an in-depth meeting was organized in the National Archives of Suriname with students from the MA, BA and teacher training tracks of History. On July 13 there was a training session with the PhD from Suriname in the National Archives of Suriname. In the afternoon one PhD student presented her research and received feedback. 


GUEST LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS: On June 1, 2022 the PhD candidate presented his project during a joint meeting of the supervisory group which includes three staff members in the project. 

On July 11 there was a public lecture by one of the Leiden staff members at the National Archives of Suriname. In a newsreport about the event its was stated: “This is a beautiful chance to research and retell national history”. https://www.starnieuws.com/index.php/welcome/index/nieuwsitem/71009

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