Universiteit Leiden

nl en

Centre for the Study of Political Parties and Representation


The CSPPR’s activities range from hosting public events to small-scale seminars with internal and external experts.

  • The CSPRR hosts several research projects.
  • A joint speaker series in which members of the participating institutes and guest speakers present their work.
  • At least one public event per year, featuring speakers from the participating institutes and external speakers, targeting scholars, students, and the wider non-academic community.
  • PhD seminars for graduate students from participating institutes working on themes related to the Centre’s areas of interest.
  • Grant application seminars for members of the Centre, discussing joint and individual interdisciplinary research proposals for various national and European sources of funding on themes related to the Centre’s areas of interest.
  • Visiting fellowships, independently funded, for prominent scholars working on key themes linked to the CSPPR.
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