Developments in local politics research
- Date
- Tuesday 8 April 2025
- Time
- Location
- Stadhuis
Stadhuisplein 1
Leiden - Room
- Raadzaal
The field of local politcs is currently undergoing a major change. While a large part of the research on the competition and cooperation between local parties has been based on impressions rather than actual data, a new generation of researchers uses state-of-the-art methods to look at the actual behaviour of local politicians.
An important driver of this change is Martin Gross who with his Local Manifesto Project has given a major impetus to the study of local party politics. His recent work has branched out to also look at council behaviour and coalition formation. In his talk Dr. Gross will describe the change in the study of party politics by building on examples in recent work.
Key note to the Local Party Politics conference, organised with the support of
- Centrum voor Nederlandse Politiek en Bestuur
- Centre for the Study of Political Parties and Representation
- Thorbecke Leerstoel
- Research cluster Politics in the Netherlands
- Research cluster Representation and Political Parties
Registration required
If you want to atted this event, registration is required. Please reserve your seat by sending an e-mail message to Simon Otjes.

About the speaker
Martin Gross is a political scientist interested in the analysis of party competition and government formation in multi-level systems, political representation in democratic regimes, EU Cohesion policy, and social science research methods (particularly text scaling methods). Currently, Martin Gross is Associate Professor (Akademischer Rat auf Lebenszeit) for Political Systems and European Integration at the Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich.