The CMCB comprises research groups from the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC).

Claessen Lab: Multicellular growth and development in filamentous bacteria streptomycetes
The Claessen lab studies morphogenesis and phenotypic heterogeneity in filamentous actinomycetes, which are prolific antibiotic producers. We pursue several research projects that span areas of multicellular growth and development, stress-adaptation and microbial evolution. By using multidisciplinary approaches, we aim to tackle fundamental questions, and use the generated knowledge to improve industrial exploitation of these organisms.

Dame Lab: Chromosome structure and function in bacteria and archaea
The Dame lab investigates the mechanisms by which the genomes of bacteria and archaea are structurally and functionally organized. The lab explores at the structural level how individual chromatin proteins act upon genomic DNA, how this translates into global organization of the genome inside life cells and how genome organization affects DNA transactions and vice versa. Of specific interest is how these processes are influenced by the cellular environment. The approach used combines molecular and cellular biochemistry with life cell imaging.

Smits Lab: esponse of the Gram-positive pathogens to stress
The Smits lab focuses on how Gram-positive pathogens such as Clostridioides difficile and Staphylococcus aureus respond to stresses which they encounter in their environment, and on the identification and characterization of potential targets for antibiotic development, especially DNA replication. We aim to understand how the integrity of the genome is maintained under environmental stresses, including those imposed by the host and by antimicrobials. The research employers a variety of genetic, molecular and biochemical techniques, which in part are developed within the group itself.

Van Wezel Lab: Control of growth, cell division and of antibiotic production in streptomyces
Focus of my research is to provide novel insight into the complex regulatory pathways that control growth, development and antibiotic production of filamentous actinomycetes, and apply this knowledge for improved commercialization of these important industrial microorganisms. A major driving force behind my research is the strong resonance between fundamental and applied research, which in my view should be mutually supportive and cross-feeding.
The main research lines of my group are:
- Discovery of novel antimicrobials
- Nutrient sensing and global control of antibiotic production
- Control of cell division and morphogenesis in streptomycetes
- Sugar metabolism and carbon catabolite control

Kovács Lab: physiology and genetics of Bacilli in biofilms and the rhizosphere
The Kovács lab concentrates on the growth and development of Bacilli during establishment of biofilms and interaction with rhizosphere microorganisms using a combination of molecular biology and eco-evolutionary approaches. We combine genome sequencing, genetic engineering, transcriptomics, and natural product chemistry to reveal the response of Bacillus subtilis to its biotic environment with the aim to predict biocontrol efficiency of this plant growth promoting rhizobacterium.