Universiteit Leiden

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ELS lab meeting - RESCHEDULED Guest lecture: Prof. Kati Cseres on Gender and competition law

donderdag 25 april 2024
Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw (KOG)

The second lab meeting for this cycle is a Guest Lecture by Prof. Kati Cseres (Universiteit van Amsterdam). This session had to be rescheduled from the first cycle of this year.

During this meeting we will learn about Cseres’ ongoing work on a feminist approach to a gender inclusive competition law, which draws on feminist legal theory, feminist political economy and feminist economics, while also includes insights from empirical research. The focal points of the session will be the question of what the contribution of feminist social science is to the scholarship of competition law and how gender could be implemented in the analytical and enforcement framework of competition law and policy.
Join us for this meeting and what promises to be an insightful conversation. Please let us know if you are coming by signing this form. We look forward to seeing you!

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