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National Rounds & Friendly Round


Friendly Round

We are pleased to announce that the International Friendly Rounds for the Telders Moot Court Competition will take place from 9 to 11 May 2024 at the University of Seville. The International Friendly Rounds are kindly organized by Associazione UNICUM and Dr. G. Matteo Vaccaro-Incisa, with the kind support of Professor Eulalia Petit de Gabriel. The Friendly Rounds offer Teams from countries where no national rounds are held the opportunity to prepare and practice their oral pleadings prior to the International Rounds held in The Hague.

If you have any questions about the Friendly Rounds, please contact the Organizers at mootcourt@associazioneunicum.it.

National Rounds

When more universities in one country register for participation, the organisation of a national pre-selection round will be necessary.

The TOO is not responsible for organising or administering the national pre-selection rounds. Instead, this is to be done by the National Organizing Commission (NOC), a Commission to be appointed after mutual consultation and agreement with all institutions which have registered from your country. Such an entity is familiar with the national situation and should be able to guarantee a free and fair pre-selection round. At this initial stage, the involvement of the TOO will be restricted to sending the case with all the necessary information to the NOC. When a team has won the national pre-selection round, which is due to take place (preferably) late March or April 2024,  TOO will then be dealing with that team as a participant in the international round.

The Rules of Procedure for the National Pre-Selection Rounds of the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition can be found here.

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