We thank our sponsors!
- Equinox Publishing offers SP2024 delegates a 25% discount on books ordered from their website using the code LING 24.
- Language Science Press
- Oxford University Press
- John Benjamins Publishing Company offers SP2024 delegates a 30% discount on books published from 2000 to 2024, in addition to the books on the order form. Email the order directly to bookorder@benjamins.nl to the attention of Seline Benjamins, with the discount code (sp2024-n1gwenf) as stated on the order form.
- De Gruyter Mouton
Associations and councils
- International Phonetic Association (IPA)
- International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
- Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fonetische Wetenschappen (NVFW)
- SPRINT (ERC-ADG-836253) to Amalia Arvaniti
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (PIs: Aoju Chen VI.C.201.109 & Yiya Chen VI.C.181.040)