Previous OSCL events and OSCL member initiatives
Previous OSCL events and member initiatives include:
Stay up to date on new events through Teams, where you can discuss Open Science related matters and where most materials (e.g. slides of the events) are shared.
Januari 31st. By initiative of OSCL, the Psychology Library Committee decided to support the preprint server PsyArXiv
Januari 28th, 14:00-15:00, Making your data FAIR at Leiden University, when and how to get started
An introduction and Q&A by Kristina Hettne.
In this event hosted by the Open Science Community Leiden, we will learn more about FAIR data workshops and services at Leiden University from our expert Kristina Hettne. Researchers are since a few years required to make their data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), which is usually easier said than done. In this introduction Kristina will tell more about the different aspects of FAIR, introduce the different workshops and services offered by the Centre for Digital Scholarship to help make research data more FAIR and end with some tips and tricks both for fast solutions and for more elaborate ones aimed at making data truly interoperable and reusable.
December 10th, 14:00- 15:00, Datamanagement plans at Leiden University, when and how to get started
An introduction and Q&A by Fieke Schoots.
In this event hosted by the Open Science Community Leiden, we will learn more about datamanagement plans from our expert Fieke Schoots. These plans should be written at the start of each project, and are therefore an important aspect of our work — part of our new skill base and a way to guide our projects towards transparency. In this introduction Fieke will tell more about the different sections in a data management plan (DMP) and how these guide us towards FAIR and open data. She will speak about future developments and the benefits of planning in an early stage. As one of the PhD students participating in a data management course stated recently: writing a DMP has made me feel much more in control of my research project.
October 29th 2020, 15:00-17:00, ReproducibiliTea Leiden about Coding best practices
Whether you're a Bachelor student, a PhD student or a full professor, chances are you'll come across coding and programming and you might have to code your own scripts for data analysis. Did you know that just like in conducting research, in coding or computing there are also best practices? Everyone is welcome! Join through Google Meet through this link and find our future meetings in our public Google Calendar.
STATtalk meets OSCL on March 2nd 2020, 16:00-17:00, room SA49 (FSW):
Teaching Open Science & Replication in BA theses,
by Loek Brinkman (assistant prof. UMCU) & Mario de Jonge (teaching advisor LU)
The manner in which scientific research is organized is changing. Open Science practices, such as making data, articles and materials freely available, is becoming the new standard. This new way of working openly must also be reflected in education. In the first part of this talk, participants learn about a collection of 25 work-forms to integrate Open Science into existing education (www.bit.ly/OSteachingformats). In the second part of the talk we will go in-depth into one of the formats: teaching replication to undergraduate students as part of their training in experimental methods. Replication research provides students with an excellent opportunity to learn about conducting scientific research, the importance of reporting standards, and the value of open science. The replication research assignment (https://doi.org/10.23644/uu.c.4383272.v1) provides an example of how replication research can be implemented within a Psychology course. Benefits, challenges, and lessons learned from the replication research assignment will be discussed.
October 1st 2019: Getting started with preregistration (FSW, 13:30-15:30, 1B53)
Want to know how others have experienced their first time preregistering their study?
This workshop intends to give everybody practical advice on where to start when preregistering research.
✉️Sign up to be informed about follow-up meetings for people currently doing preregistration/Registered Reports OSCL@leidenuniv.nl
October 8th 2019: Sharing and storing MRI data hackathon (10:00- ~13:00, 5A41).
The ins and outs of sharing and storing MRI data at our university will be discussed and we will work on templates (e.g. for consent forms that allow sharing of anonymized data).
During this hackathon we discussed which problems we are facing when archiving and sharing MRI data with other researchers. The most prominent issues remain the privacy (GDPR) question and the search for a suitable and safe platform. Towards the end of the hackathon we brainstormed about dreams for the future, resulting in a task group being formed that is going to work on a decision tree for MRI researchers. Find the slides here and a more extensive report of the event here. Update: the resulting MRI data sharing guide can be found here: https://zenodo.org/record/3822290#.YC5KbndKg1A
November 21st: ReproducibiliTea Leiden (FSW, SA15, 16h~18h)
Interdisciplinary journal club meeting. We read and discuss papers methodology and open science. Get all latest info by signing up to the mailing list or following @LeidenTea. Just curious? Check out the dates and topics here.
November 30th: ReproHack: make your code reproducible
(an OSCL member initiative supported by LIACS and DSRP)
Wanna fight the reproducibility crisis? Join our Reproducibility Hackathon on November 30th 2019 – a hackathon organised for you to:
- learn about tools to share code ✍️
- gain hands-on experience by reproducing #opendata #opencode papers 👐
- meet other open science fanatics 🤝
✉️ Leave your email address here to receive more information by mail, and see here for more info.
December 19th: ReproducibiliTea Leiden (FSW, SA07, 16h~18h)
Interdisciplinary journal club meeting. We read and discuss papers methodology and open science. Get all latest info by signing up to the mailing list or following @LeidenTea. Just curious? Check out the dates and topics here.