Anna van ’t Veer wins the Leo Waaijers Open Science Award
Open Science is changing how people work together and share research. Anna van ’t Veer won the Leo Waiijers Open Science Award for a career full of Open Science activities. A sign of appreciation for aspects of Open Science that might not be immediately obvious.
Open Science as the standard: ‘You don’t do science for yourself’
Open Science is not just sharing your data or paying for Open Access. Countless everyday decisions are about making science more accessible, inclusive and reliable: sharing the steps of your research process, for example. ‘This makes the steps transparent and gives everyone access so they can learn from or build on them’, Anna van 't Veer explains. ‘And anyone can explain certain aspects and remove any errors.’ It can also mean other forms of publishing, such as in non-profit Diamond journals that do not charge fees to authors or readers.