Competition on bird feeeders between introduced Ring-necked parakeets and native bird species in the Netherlands
Does the presence of Ring-necked parakeets negatively influence feeding and feeding behaviour of native bird species on artificial bird feeders and if so, what are possible solutions?
- Looptijd
- 2016 - 2017
- Contact
- Wil Tamis
- Financiering
- Partners
- Municipalities of Amsterdam,, Haarlem The Hague and Leiden and World Parrot Trust-Benelux (contributed to this research by either funding or lending out camera traps)
- The Dutch Society for Protection of Birds, VWG Zuid-Kennemerland and Waarneming.nl provided help with finding our research locations.
- City Parrots

The Ring-necked parakeet is an introduced bird species which might negatively influence the feeding (behaviour) of native Dutch bird species during winter season. With camera traps behaviour at bird feeders is monitored during winter season, to study feeding time and duration, and interactions of the visiting bird species.
Social relevance
For introduced species several factors are important in their establishment in new areas. For Ring-necked parakeets artificial bird feeders may have played an important role in its fast increase in population size and distribution in urban areas.
Scientific relevance
Studying the effects of non-native species on biodiversity and possible behavioural adaptation of these native species. Alien invasive species is one of the main threats to biodiversity worldwide and identifying (ecological mechanisms of) effects and solutions is part of the mission of CML – department of Conservation Biology.
Material & Methods
Using several Bushnell TrophyCams bird feeders in private gardens will be filmed during the winter months (December-March) to record the behaviour of visiting bird species. There is one bird feeder present per garden and filled with peanuts. The camera will be triggered by motion and films 30 seconds after which it will pause for 5 minutes before starting the next video. Data will be analysed for feeding time and duration and behaviour, especially interactions between different species. Also the effect of height and alternative food sources are studied as possible solutions to lessen possible conflicts.
This study will be continued in winter 2017-2018.