In the CarbonCap project, consumption oriented technological options and policy measures are identified as an addition to the present EU and world climate policy.
- Looptijd
- 2013 - 2017
- Contact
- Arnold Tukker
- Financiering
EU FP7 program
- Partners
The CarbonCap project is a project financed by the EU FP7 program and led by TNO. Project partners are:

A longlist of such options is identified and their potential effectiveness is calculated using EXIOBASE, a multiregion environmentally extended input-output table covering the world. Subsequently, these options and policy measures are combined into scenarios, calculating the potential effectiveness of consumption based policies. These scenarios are calculated by econometric and general equilibrium economic models having an input-output model at the core: EXIOMOD, E3ME and FIDELIO. Another aim of the project is to develop a consumption-based accounting system to support consumption based climate policies. The potential usefulness of consumption based policies is also brought into the COP21 meeting in Paris during December 2015.
Downloads and more information
More information can be found at the project website: http://www.carboncap.eu/
Project deliverables and minutes of meetings and stakeholder events can be downloaded from this website as well.