Universiteit Leiden

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Picturing Scholasticide: The Future of Higher Education in Palestine

Hoe beïnvloedt de vernietiging van universiteiten in Gaza, ook wel 'scholasticide' genoemd, het wetenschappelijk leven en wat zijn de theoretische en juridische onderbouwingen van de term?

2024 - 2025
Matthew Canfield


Het doel van Picturing Scholasticide is om de vernietiging van universiteiten in Gaza, de zogenaamde 'scholasticide', te documenteren en onder de aandacht te brengen. Door middel van een multimodale tentoonstelling met fotografie, getuigenissen en aanvullende bronnen wordt de vernietiging van de twaalf universiteiten in Gaza in beeld gebracht en in de langere geschiedenis van de aanval op het academische leven in Palestina geplaatst. Tenslotte tracht het project de theoretische en juridische implicaties van scholasticide te onderzoeken. Met het project wordt een discussie op gang gebracht over de rol van academici en universiteiten in dergelijke contexten.


Er zijn drie faculteiten verbonden aan dit project: de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen en de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen. Het betrekt verschillende disciplines, waaronder rechtsgeleerdheid, geschiedenis en visuele antropologie door middel van fotografie. 


Picturing Scholasticide is a multimodal exhibition of the scholasticide in Gaza. Through photography, testimonies, and the curation of additional resources, it depicts the destruction of the twelve universities in Gaza, and places it in the longer history of the onslaught on scholarly life in Palestine. The project draws on visual anthropology and social-legal scholarship to explore the everyday life of scholasticide, as well as the theoretical and legal underpinnings of this term that is emerging out of the current moment, but has not received much scholarly attention yet. The exhibition will be both physical and online. We will showcase the physical exhibition first in Leiden University buildings, and public spaces in Leiden, before letting it travel through the country. The online exhibition offers additional sources, and offers local organizers the opportunity to create their own physical exhibitions out of it. The project will take place during the academic year 2024/2025. In September 2024, we will assemble a team of committed researchers and students, to collectively research the scholasticide in Gaza further, and reach out to potential photographers (who will be compensated for their work). In November, we will hire a research assistant to aid in website development, and setting up the crowdsourcing of additional materials. By April, we will finalize the exhibition, and in May, we will launch the traveling exhibition. Throughout the process, we will be raising awareness and foster ongoing conversations about what the role of academics and universities should be. 

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