Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy
Promotor: T. Schmidt
- Auteur
- R. Harkes
- Datum
- 13 januari 2016
- Links
- Thesis in Leiden Repository

Super-Resolution Microscopy is an optical fluorescence technique. In this thesis we focus on single molecule super-resolution, where the position of single molecules is determined. Typically these molecules can be localized with a 10 to 30nm precision. This technique is applied in four different studies. To determine the spatial distribution of Ras-protein in live cells, Ripley's analysis is used on localization data to quantify size an diffusion parameters of nanodomains. Particle image correlation spectroscopy (PICS) is a second order spatial distribution analysis to determine diffusion properties of single molecule populations. A mathematical framework to correct the data when applied on 3D diffusion is presented in the second chapter. In the fourth chapter the uptake of alpha-synuclein aggregates by the cells is observed using super-resolution microscopy. Their partial degradation was followed and showed the importance of the lysosome-dependent mechanism for protecting cells from exposure to potentially toxic a-synuclein. In the fifth chapter we correlate the number of vinculin proteins in a focal adhesion protein complex, to the local force generated by the cell via this complex. A method was developed to determine the local stoichiometry of molecules by their correlated distances as obtained from SMLM.