Het boek Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy is gepubliceerd!
Met trots kunnen wij meedelen dat het boek ‘Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy’ gepubliceerd is. De editors van dit boek zijn Prof. dr. mr. J.A.A. Adriaanse en Prof. dr. J.I. van der Rest. Beide zijn werkzaam bij de afdeling Bedrijfswetenschappen van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid.

Written by leading experts in the field of business, finance, law and economics, this edited volume brings together the latest thoughts and developments on turnaround management and business rescue from an academic, judiciary and turnaround/insolvency practitioner perspective. Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy presents different viewpoints on turnarounds and business rescue in Europe. Presenting a state-of-the-art review of failure research in finance, such as on bankruptcy prediction, causes of decline, or distressed asset valuation. It also presents the latest insights from turnaround management research as well as giving a contemporary insight into law debates on insolvency legislation reform, cross-border judicial issues, bankruptcy decision-making by judges and competition policy in distressed economies. Finally, the book provides a regional and sector perspective on how the current crisis affects Europe, its government policies and industry performance. In this way, the volume presents a modern, interdisciplinary and scholarly overview of the latest insights, issues and debates in turnaround management and business rescue, developing a European perspective in an attempt to redress the predominance of an American orientation in the academic literature. It aims at a wider audience interested in turnarounds and failure, such as faculty and students in the fields of law, business, economics, accountancy, finance, strategic management, and marketing, but also at judges, insolvency practitioners, lawyers, accountants and turnaround professionals, as well as the EU and government officials, staff of trade unions and employer's associations.
Jan Adriaanse en Jean-Pierre van der Rest hebben dit boek over het fascinerende onderwerp ‘business failure’ samengesteld met behulp van meer dan 35 internationale turnaround-experts, zowel wetenschappers als practitioners. Mr. drs. Gert-Jan Boon en dr. Tim Verdoes hebben namens de Leiden Law School een bijdrage geleverd. Adriaanse en Van der Rest danken de auteurs voor hun bijzondere bijdrage.