Universiteit Leiden

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Prof. dr. Joost Batenburg awarded with Vici grant 2015

The NWO (The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) awarded prof. Joost van Batenburg with the Vici grant 2015 for his research project ‘Real-time 3D Tomography’.

Tomography is a scanning technique that enables making three-dimensional images of the inside of an object based on a series of X-ray photos. In the project, calculation methods will be developed that will make it possible to already look inside an object during the scan.

With the 1.5 million euro grant, Batenburg can develop his own research line in the next five years. Along Joost van Batenburg, 31 other scientists in the Netherlands received a Vici grant. Vici is one of the largest grants for individual scientists in The Netherlands and is part of NWO’s Talent Scheme.

Joost van Batenburg is  professor in Discrete Mathematics and Tomography at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University.

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