The first graduates of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs: LUC’s Class of 2015½!
LUC is the first to confer the diploma of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, the new Faculty name since January 2016 making this graduation an extra special occasion.
LUC The Hague celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2015½ on Wednesday 3 February 2016 at the Anna van Buerenplein. Around 150 guests were present to witness the conferring of the degrees and ‘the turning of the tassel ceremony’ of the 17 proud graduates.
The day started with a reception where family, friends and members of academia were welcomed accompanied by live piano music of LUC’s student and piano player Jurre Honkoop. The graduands met with their guests, before getting ready for their procession to start off the ceremony.
After the procession of the graduands and faculty, Prof. Dr. Jos Schaeken, the Dean of LUC The Hague gave all guests a warm welcome.
During the conferring of the degree, each graduand received a warm round of applause and a personal speech of their tutor. After that, they officially received their degree from the Dean and were congratulated by their tutor, and thus finally turning their tassle. A special aspect of the February graduation is the extra time available to address the graduands. One tutor even expressed his expectations for an LUC graduate to become the future Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Boudewijn van Eerd was the class representative of 2015 ½ . In his speech, Boudewijn mentioned how he came to LUC thinking he was going to change the world. Within a fortnight he already understood that things weren’t that simple. Changing the world requires to understand situations, cultures, and history, but most importantly be involved and engaged in the community.
We had some time to reflect on Boudewijns words while LUC’s exchange student Kayle Crosson sang to us a beautiful song.
Evolucio board member Ruba Nawaz welcomed the Class of 2015 ½ to the LUC Alumni community and shared with them what to expect in life after LUC.
The ceremony ended officially when all graduates threw their caps in the air to celebrate their graduation. Hereafter, all guests and graduates gathered for a reception at the first floor with live music and bubbles they enjoyed a special celebration.