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The ‘Santa Cruz 35’ Preliminary Data Presentation

Thursday 3 March 2016


15 years ago, a grave site was found during construction in a residential area of Santa Cruz, Aruba. The National Archaeological Museum Aruba (NAMA) and <U+202A>NEXUS1492<U+202C> partnered to analyse the remains on the site.

On 3 March 2016, the first results of this research will be presented by Dr. Corinne Hofman (NEXUS1492), drs. Raymundo Dijkhoff (NAMA) and Dr. Menno Hoogland (NEXUS1492) at the National Archaeological Museum Aruba.

More information in Papiamento at Masnoticia.com.

Excavations of the Santa Crus 35 site. (credit: MasNoticia.com)Excavations at the Santa Crus 35 site. (credit: MasNoticia.com)

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