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Re-scape Colloquium

Thursday 15 December 2016
Van Steenis, Faculty of Archaeology
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden

The Centre for Global Heritage and Development, the Design & History research group at TU Delft, and the VU Amsterdam research institute CLUE+ organize the Re-Scape colloquia for young researchers and graduate students,  to be inspired by experienced academics , learn from each other by sharing knowledge and progress on their own research. PhD students will present their work in public; graduate students will discuss their theses in interdisciplinary, thematic groups.

The Colloquium on December 15 will be held at the Faculty of Archaeology (Van Steenisbuilding Room E0.04, Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC in Leiden).

Click here for more information and programme.

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