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PhD Debate Session: Pre/Post-Colonialism in Archaeology

Thursday 29 September 2016
Van Steenis, Faculty of Archaeology
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden

A PhD debate session is organized at Leiden University. The aim is to examine the position of post-colonial praxis within contemporary archaeological approaches. Guest speaker at this event Dr. Andrzej Antczak, the two PhD speakers are Eduardo Herrera and Maria Patricia Ordoñez.

Questions that will be raised during this Session are:
Is colonialism over in the countries where we carry out research?
How does archaeological research empirically separate itself from reproducing a colonialist practice?
How do we deal with contradictory or unvoiced opinions of the people living in “our” archaeological research areas?
How can archaeology promote post-colonialist thinking?
Does this debate even need to occur, or have we moved beyond our colonial past?

For more information on this Debate Session, see here.

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